Sunday, July 23, 2006

New ULA Director

This past Thursday night I met Frank Walsh and Patrick King at the Irish Pub between 11th and 12th on Walnut Street. There we affirmed the upcoming announcement of Pat King as new ULA Director. We've gotten the support-- at least not the objection!-- of the rest of the team to this long-needed long-awaited move.

Also present at the meeting were local photographer Geoff Hall, as well as Scooter the Cat, who seems to be kind of a fixture at the Pub.

Pat outlined his ideas for future ULA progress. He and Frank will be spearheading things on the east coast, Frank acting as lead talent and prime motivator to ensure our new Director remains on track! I'm cutting back my ULA activities the next couple months, but will offer advice and hopefully be available for local ULA meet-ups, especially during visits of ULAers from other parts of the country.

Wred's Cleveland readings generated tremendous excitement within the ULA team. He also obtained some fantastic local press coverage which we should get up on the site asap.

During our discussion I was given an early copy of the upcoming Slush Pile #5-- our Protest issue. It's very well done. Editor Steve Kostecke may be the most talented of all ULAers. Note his recent Monday Report at, or his story "Auslanders Raus!" which is available somewhere. It's our hope, while the Philly chapter pushes the activist campaign forward, that Steve and other behind-the-scenes ULAers can do more to strengthen the foundations and unity of the organization itself.

The only contribution I noticed Scooter make to the discussion was trying to steal our food! (He/she spent most of the time resting comfortably between Frank and Geoff, occasionally reaching a paw up.)

This blog will of course continue on as before.

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